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  • Engineering Major
  • 71 Units
  • ENGR 101: Introduction to Engineering and Design
  • 3

培养工程师必备的创造性思维和解决问题的能力. 学生们面临的挑战是作为一个团队的成员进行良好的沟通. 广泛接触各种工程学科和实践.

  • ENGR 210: Entrepreneurial Engineering Economics
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This course will introduce you to engineering economics, 经济学和决策理论在规划工程方案评估中的应用是什么, developing, constructing, and managing engineering projects.

  • 基督教环境下的项目管理和沟通
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学生将把耶稣基督独特的道成肉身的方面融入到与服务相关的技能中, teamwork, project planning and management, and communication within a team and for stakeholders. 学生们以团队的形式来计划和执行整个学期的项目.

  • ENGR 312: Statics & Strength of Materials
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培养与机械、生物力学和结构工程相关的核心能力. 物理原理用于确定各种类型构件的内力和外力, including introduction to analysis software. 材料的响应载荷-应力和应变-也强调. 介绍了简单机械元件和结构元件的设计原则. Pre/Co-requisites: PHY 221

  • ENGR 314: Mechanical Dynamics
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学生将学习粒子运动学的基础, systems of particles, and rigid bodies. 主题包括冲量和动量,能量守恒,旋转和振动. 计算解决问题的能力将发展解决动态工程问题. Pre/Co-requisites: ENGR 312

  • ENGR 316: Fluid Mechanics
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用拉格朗日和欧拉分析研究流体运动学中的静态和动态效应. Continuity, momentum, 不可压缩流的积分和微分形式的能量方程. 边界层理论及瞬态流体运动概论. 理论与实验和计算流体力学结果的比较. Pre/Co-requisites: MTH 384

  • ENGR 318: Heat & Mass Transport
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本课程介绍热和质量传递现象背后的基本原理. 学生将了解稳态和瞬态传导和扩散, laminar and turbulent convective transport, 以及工程师经常使用的计算解决策略. Pre/Co-requisite: MTH 384

  • PHY 315: Electronics I: Analog Circuits
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This hands-on course will focus on the design, fabrication, and testing of analog electronic circuits, circuit components, 并特别强调了电子测试设备的使用. Lab time is included in the schedule. A lab fee is required. Prerequisite: C- or better in PHY 221 or consent of instructor.

  • ENGR 320: Signals & Systems
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本课程向学生介绍在工程系统背景下模拟和数字信号处理的基础知识. 介绍了连续和离散时间信号的解释和分析, as well as the use of Fourier and Laplace transforms. Sampling, filtering, modulation, 并使用来自不同工程领域的案例来讨论系统的反馈.

  • PHY 325: Scientific Equipment Design and Fabrication
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这门实践课程将侧重于科学设备的设计, the use of scientific glassblowing, and machine shop tools, particularly the lathe and the knee-type mill, to fabricate, repair, and modify scientific equipment; also included will be a comprehensive introduction to vacuum technology. Lab time is included in the schedule. A lab fee is required. Prerequisite: C- or better in PHY 221 or consent of instructor.

  • ENGR 330: Computer Aided Design
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通过使用三维实体建模程序,开发了二维和三维计算机辅助设计原理. 学生将设计和创建工程图纸和几何模型. 本课程将以团队为基础的项目最终导致原型的设计和制造. Pre/Co-requisite: ENGR 101

  • ENGR 495: Senior Capstone I
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学生在特定技术问题或需求的背景下,与合作伙伴组织或客户社区合作,参与其学科的知识内容. Teams demonstrate effective project management strategies, report on progress consistently, and document significant design activity.  Senior level status required

  • ENGR 496: Senior Capstone II
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学生在特定技术问题或需求的背景下,与合作伙伴组织或客户社区合作,参与其学科的知识内容. Teams demonstrate effective project management strategies, report on progress consistently, and document significant design activity.  Senior level status required

  • Computer, Mathematics, and Basic Science
  • MTH 265: Introduction to Statistics
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As a basic statistics course applicable to education, business, and the hard sciences, this course will include topics such as descriptive statistics, the normal, binomial, F-, and Chi-squared distributions, and hypothesis testing. 可选的主题可能包括额外的非参数检验和方差分析. A TI-83 graphing calculator or Microsoft Excel is required. Prerequisite: C- or better in AMTH 101 or CMTH 101 or MTH 201 or MTH 252 or MTH 271 or equivalent.

  • MTH 271: Calculus I
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本课程将透过图解的方法,学习单变量的微分与积分, numerical and symbolic methods. Limits, continuity, derivatives, and integrals will be studied with algebraic, trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions, including applications using calculus to solve problems. 先决条件:通过分数在微积分安置考试,或系主任的同意.

  • MTH 272: Calculus II
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A continuation of MTH 271, this course will include a study of methods of integration, applied to algebraic and transcendental functions. Solids of revolution, definite and indefinite integrals, Taylor polynomials, sequences and series, 将学习包括应用微积分来解决问题. Prerequisite: C- or better in MTH 271 or acceptable AP examination credit.

  • MTH 373: Calculus III
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As a continuation of MTH 272, this course will include the study of vector calculus, three-dimensional calculus, partial derivatives, multiple integrals, differential calculus, and other selected topics in vector calculus. Prerequisite: C- or better in MTH 272.

  • MTH 384: Ordinary Differential Equations
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本课程将涵盖微分方程与一阶方程的分类, exact differentials, integrating factors, higher order differential equations, method of undetermined coefficients, variation of parameters, operator methods, solution by infinite series, and Laplace transformations. Prerequisite: C- or better in MTH 272. Offered alternate years.

  • PHY 221: Calculus-based Physics I
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This course will study Newtonian mechanics: vectors and scalars, kinematics and dynamics of translational and rotational motion, Newton's laws, speed, velocity, acceleration, force, torque, work, energy, linear and angular momentum, wave and harmonic motion, gravitation, friction, conservation of energy and momentum, thermodynamics. A lab fee is required. Prerequisite: MTH 271 (concurrent enrollment allowed) or consent of instructor.

  • PHY 222: Calculus-based Physics II
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As a continuation of PHY 221, this course will cover thermodynamics, Maxwell's equations of electricity and magnetism, current, voltage, resistance, inductance, reactance, power, optics and optical systems, interference, diffraction, polarization, dispersion, and coherence. Lab time is included in the schedule. A lab fee is required. Prerequisites: C- or better in PHY 221 and MTH 272 (concurrent enrollment allowed) or consent of instructor.

  • CSC 104: Fundamentals of Programming
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本课程涵盖了使用c#编程语言进行计算机编程和算法设计的基本原理. The class addresses basic language syntax, branching, looping, exceptions, I/O, string processing, best practices, and tools for writing quality computer programs. 它还介绍了将用高级语言编写的程序转换为中间语言的过程,以及操作系统如何加载和执行它. 本课程的学生将能够编写在微软操作系统上运行的基本程序 .NET Framework and the open source equivalent, Mono.

  • CSC 314: Programming Languages
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本课程考察使用高级语言进行有纪律的编程,特别强调程序设计, style, efficiency and documentation. Topics include syntax and semantics, statement and subprogram control, data types and data control, design and implementation issues and source control. Offered alternate years. Prerequisite: C- or better in CSC 104.

Current students, 请注意:这里列出的要求可能不反映该专业的最新课程,也可能不是您要完成专业的目录年的要求. Please refer to the Academic Catalog 对于官方要求,你必须符合资格获得学位. 选择工程专业的学生必须在通识教育中学习CHE 221.

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